The family received a few days to family vacation at a resort in Thailand when the man she beat go on a jungle experience, organized by a travel agency for trekking and adventure. His wife was not very happy but decided to approve the proposal because it was something that her husband had always wanted to want to do. His seven-year-old son looked as sharp as his father and his daughter five years ago seemed quite happy with the idea. The family member is a child of two years.
Reserves for a good guide and went three days later, the child was seven years ago, thrilled and promised his mother he will take care of all the snakes and spiders to take unpleasant for them. After an exhausting journey times seven years, in which three children had been going up and ill, the family finally reached their destination, a jungle lodge.
They were from a series of vicious dogs that desperately need a good meal to fatten European children seemed to welcome. Mom was now in panic, but Papa and the guide assured him they were safe and the families continue the security in the hut. This building was a large hut, piles of wood on top with a thatched roof. Directly under him was a small lake, which looked as if they could provide an ideal environment for crocodiles. Inside the hostel, the accommodation was as basic as can be achieved. Dad was more than satisfied with everything and still has the other family that spoiled the return of something great to experience the natural world. Mama was not amused.
Fortunately, the night was involved in the youth hostel. At nightfall, the sounds of the jungle rose crescendo. Mama lay awake more about children who were concerned in the next room. Dad got to see and returned with three children so frightened that he the rest of the night in his room with their parents. It was better that way, because less than an hour to hold a new sound was all go to sleep. Mom and the children listened with horror repeatedly accompanied on the roof beams hammered by deafening screams. Dad explains that take the origin of this noise of any threat to them. It was only monkeys, they said, but his statement did little to quiet the rest of the family.